Databinding Webflow Forms

SELECT elements

Loading OPTIONs from Collection List(s)

FORM SELECTs can be populated from Collection Lists using a bit of jQuery;

  • + Requires fairly minimal setup.
  • + Can control the ordering in which the items appear, by sorting the collection list.
  • + Can stitch together several collection lists if needed.
  • + Supports pre-existing items, such as a "Select one..." or hardcoded options.
  • + Supports both multiple and single SELECT elements.


Demonstration of SELECTs populated with OPTIONs.

Select OPTIONs

In this demo, we're using multiple collection lists to demonstrate stitching. This is important when you have more than 100 items in your Collection.

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

How to implement

See the designer view of this demonstration by clicking the button at the top.
Then view this part of the layout for details;

01 The basic process

Coming soon.