Custom Radio Buttons

Basic Webflow forms

Button-style Radio Buttons

Radio buttons and checkboxes are notoriously difficult elements to style in HTML. Here's a simple demo of how you can achieve a basic button style with radio-button behavior.

  • + Can be done in Webflow with a small piece of added CSS, and no script.
  • + Uses the native Radio Button element, so it will work normally with FORM data.
  • + Will work in the designer, as long as the CSS is in an HTML Embed somewhere on the page.
  • > The CSS can be in a Header or Footer symbol, if you want this effect site-wide.

How to use it;

  • Select each radio button's outer element ( which renders as a label element in the HTML ), and give them the same custom class, here I called them Custom Radio.
  • Style that element as you like, to make it appear as a button.
  • Add an HTML Embed anywhere on the page, and paste in the CSS found in the HTML Embed.
  • You will need to write the CSS for your checked state appearance, since Webflow's only applies to the small circular part of the element.


  • Click the View in Designer button, at the top-right of the page to see this page in read-only designer mode.
  • Examine the radio buttons, and their container DIV.
  • Double-click the HTML Embed to see the CSS.


Click the button-style radio buttons.

These radio buttons are custom-styled.

HTML Embed
This is the CSS which styles the radio buttons.
Double-click in the designer to view.
Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

How to implement

See the designer view of this demonstration by clicking the button at the top.
Then view this part of the layout for details;

01 The basic process

Coming soon.